Pet supplies website for Pet planet

Challenge: Pet planet, a premium pet supply retailer, was experiencing stagnant online sales and a disconnect between their brand vision and the website user experience. Their existing website felt cluttered, lacked clear navigation, and failed to showcase the quality and design of their products effectively.

Solution: Kreamor, a digital design agency, partnered with Pet planet to develop a user-centric website redesign. Our primary goals were to:

  • Enhance brand identity and product representation.
  • Simplify navigation and improve user experience.
  • Increase website conversion rates and sales.

Our Approach:

  1. Research and Discovery: We conducted in-depth research through user interviews, surveys, and competitor analysis. This allowed us to understand Petplanet target audience, their online shopping behavior, and areas for improvement on the current website.

  2. User-Centric Design: We focused on creating a website experience tailored to pet parents. This included designing clear and intuitive navigation, implementing high-quality product photography, and incorporating features that facilitate informed purchase decisions, such as detailed product descriptions and size charts.

  3. Content Strategy: We developed engaging content that catered to various pet parent needs. This included informative blog posts on pet care topics, product guides, and interactive features like breed-specific recommendations.

  4. Mobile Optimization: Recognizing the growing trend of mobile shopping, we prioritized a responsive design that adapts flawlessly across all devices, ensuring a seamless user experience on smartphones and tablets.

  5. Visual Storytelling: We leveraged high-quality product photography and lifestyle imagery to showcase the premium quality and design aesthetic of pet planet’s products. This emotional connection is crucial for pet parents who treat their pets like family.


The redesigned website resulted in a significant improvement in key metrics:

  • Increased website traffic by 30%
  • Enhanced conversion rate by 25%
  • Average order value increased by 10%
  • Positive user feedback on navigation, product information, and overall website experience

Key Learnings:

  • Prioritizing user experience is paramount. Understanding your target audience and their online behavior is crucial for website success.
  • High-quality visuals are essential. In the pet industry, showcasing beautiful product photography and lifestyle imagery plays a vital role in driving sales.
  • Mobile optimization is non-negotiable. With mobile shopping increasingly popular, ensuring a smooth mobile experience is essential for capturing the full potential of your customer base.

The Pet planet website redesign demonstrates the power of a user-centric approach combined with a strong visual identity. By focusing on user needs, optimizing the shopping experience, and showcasing the brand’s product quality, Kreamor helped Pet planet achieve significant growth and solidify its position as a premium destination for pet parents looking to spoil their furry companions.

At Kreamor, we specialize in crafting visually stunning and highly functional websites that elevate your brand’s online presence.